The unbeaten stint of John Molina and his power maybe a subject for this forth-coming fight as he meets the Mexican Martin Honorio.
John Molina as I said is unbeaten with 18 wins and 14 knockouts in his boxing record. While his Mexican opponent Martin Honorio this Saturday has a record of 25 wins 4 losses and a draw with 13 knockouts in his credit.
The Honorio vs Molina is schedule for 10-rounds of lightweight boxing and the boxers will vie for the vacant North American Boxing Federation (NABF) lightweight championship title.
WATCH HONORIO VS MOLINA on shobox: the new generation a featured showtime boxing event. You can also catch Honorio vs Molina LIVE STREAM in some websites that has the complete coverage of the fight.
You can also WATCH HONRIO VS MOLINA here!